Big Boots To Fill:
On March 10, 2021, a small-town farm girl from McCone County in Northeastern Montana hiked the Peralta Trail to Fremont Saddle, carrying a pair of men's hiking boots attached to her backpack. In fact, Lynae Gackle took her father's boots to the top of the canyon to fulfill a hike that never happened.
Lynae, and her father, Duane Nasner, spent many hours hiking the great outdoors together (father and daughter)! Duane hailed from a long line of farmers—following a family tradition from his grandfather, father, and onto his daughter. In December 2019, Duane underwent surgery for a hip replacement—and was recovering well. The Peralta Trail was a favorite, and due to the incredible scenery, they had pledged to hike the trail upon his full recovery. Sadly, on February 27, 2020, Duane suffered a stroke and was hospitalized; it was sudden and unexpected! Doctors believed it resulted from a brain bleed that eventually put too much pressure on the skull. After battling in the hospital, Duane suffered a second, fatal stroke that ended his life on March 10, 2020.
On the first anniversary of that terrible day, Lynae, a loving daughter, carried her father's boots to the top of the canyon to fulfill that final hike! Lynae and her mother made the pilgrimage from their home in Montana; however, due to the emotional stresses of returning to Arizona without her husband, she decided to remain in the hotel—waiting for her daughter and the shoes to return.

Lynae Gackle, sitting overlooking Weavers Needle, at Fremont Saddle. Her father's boots positioned next to her, where he would have sat if they were enjoying the moment together. I am sure Lynae, though he was not present in body, he was present spiritually—he would have been very proud of his daughter!

Mr. Duane's boots, having made that final hike to Weaver's Needle with his daughter Lynae.
Google Maps: 33.415798, -111.364853