Soul Expressions:
"The eyes are the windows to the soul" has often been attributed to English playwright, poet, and actor William Shakespeare. Yet, in reality, the true source of the proverb is unknown. It has also been credited to Cicero, Leonardo Da Vinci, and even the Bible throughout history. Nevertheless, one thing is clear, whoever coined the expression, it's not merely a window: It's a reflection of our state of mind.
I decided to create several black & white portraits utilizing a set of simple guidelines: Be yourself, dress naturally, and come as you are. Then, during the shoot, I gave one simple piece of guidance for posing. "In a single expression, if you were physically capable of showing me your soul—how would it look?"
These are their answers:

John: U.S. Navy Combat Veteran (Retired).

Cheri: Cardiac Cath-lab Technician.

Sue: Homemaker.

Denny: Computer Engineer (Fellow).

Steve: Photographer.

Amanda: Elementary School Teacher.

James: Potential Astronaut and NASA Flight Controller (Mars II Mission).