Super 61:
To some, this image may resemble a section of discarded machinery; to others, it could appear to be a piece of aircraft wreckage. This powerful piece of historical debris is part of the remains of call-sign 'Super 61,' a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk, which was shot down over Mogadishu, Somalia, on October 3, 1993, by an RPG-7. What is pictured here is the main rotor hub assembly, with the remains of the splintered rotor blades at the end of each titanium spindle. Super 61 was piloted by Chief Warrant Officer 3 (CW3) Cliff 'Elvis' Wolcott and CW3 Donovan 'Bull' Briley, who were both killed in the crash; in addition, two crew chiefs were severely injured in the wreck. Two Delta snipers, Staff-Sergeant (SSG) Daniel Busch, and Sergeant (SGT) Jim Smith, survived the crash and began defending the site. After the evacuation, SSG Busch died later that evening after being shot four times while defending the area. This artifact was on display at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville, North Carolina.